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In view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 Pandemic, it is hereby notified to all concerned that examinations cannot be conducted in the conventional mode as per the existing Government norms of maintaining social distancing, safety and health of the students. So it has been decided that, Objective MCQ type, Open Book Examinations (OBE) shall be adopted as an alternative mode of examination for the students. Following information is for the students who are to appear for End Semester Reappear Examination (ESE) Session May 2020:

Read All Instructions Carefully:


  1. On Laptop, or on desktop with a webcam, use latest version of modern web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge for appearing in the End Semester Examination (ESE). There is no need to install any software / plugin. Go through presentation and Video.
  2. Laptop / Desktop should have RAM not less than 2 GB.
  3. In case you wish to use Mobile then install hiremee app for Android or iPhone. Go through presentation and video.
  4. If you are able to install app on mobile, that mean your Mobile is supported, else arrange a different Mobile phone, or attempt on Laptop / Desktop with Webcam.
  5. A minimum internet speed of 512 kbps is required.
  6. Check Internet speed before hand, from sites like: m-Lab or SpeedTest
  7. Prefer Wired or good WiFi connection on Laptop.
  8. On mobile ensure location which gives you stable speed not less than 512 kbps.
  9. Turn off all chat applications / messaging apps / other web browsers.
  10. Only in case of power or internet failure, re-enter the same credentials to finish your examination. The examination will resume from the same instance where it got disrupted.
  11. Ensure sufficient (with factor of safety and redundancy) power backup to keep your devices amd Internet running for the duration of examination.


  1. Examination will be held in online mode that means students may appear for examination from home or any location of their choice, which meets the requirements for appearing in the examination in terms of Internet and Electricity.
  2. The examination shall be an Open Book Examination (OBE). Students may refer to any reference material, in any form.
  3. Examination will be of two hours duration, but students will get window of THREE hours (10am to 1.00pm for morning session and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm for evening session), so that if a student is unable to start an attempt at the scheduled time, still he/she will get 2 hours for the attempt. But no one will be able to attempt after that window of three hours.
  4. In case of any delay related to the start of examination from the college side due to any reason (Internet / Server issue, etc.) due time will be given to the student.
  5. College authorities will not be responsible for any internet problem at the student’s end. Therefore, it is advised that every student must ensure a proper internet connection and appropriate device.
  6. Examination will be proctored remotely using the Internet. It is advised to dress up properly and make sure no other person is accompanying the candidate during the examination, and the candidate is not permitted to consult any other person by any means of communication. Any violation of the conduct rules observed during proctoring will be treated as Unfair Means Case.
  7. Do not navigate away from the test window while appearing in ESE. Doing so will make you disqualified and your attempt will be freezed (that mean you won’t able to attempt further).
  8. Students will get an email with “Test Pin” as well as an exam link, a day before from with subject “Examination Invitation”. If student is using laptop/PC, then he/she will click on the link given in the email and when asked will fill the TEST PIN and after that will click the START button to start the exam. If using Moblie phone, first you will need to install hiremee app, then open it and paste the TEST PIN when asked.
  9. The Test Pin, which authorizes you to appear in the examination (which you will get through email, one day in advance) is for one-time use only.
  10. If due to some reason, any student does not get the email ( from with subject “Examination Invitation”, by 08:00 am in the morning session and 12.00 pm for the evening session of the day of exam, then he / she need to inform the authorities by filling the form using link Discrepancy Form .
  11. Note that students will have to fill the mentioned form ONLY. Telephonic communication of any kind will not be entertained to address the discrepancies/problems during the exam time.
  12. It is the sole responsibility of the student to provide correct and exact information asked in the discrepancy/complaint redressal form.
  13. The students should check the date sheet of examinations uploaded on the website.
  14. Keep an eye on the Timer displayed on the screen.


  1. Examination will have two parts of questions. Part A will contain 40 questions of ONE mark each and part B will be having 10 questions of TWO marks each. Total marks will be 60 for every paper.
  2. The pattern of the question paper will be uniform for all programs. However, the maximum marks of the paper will be scaled as mentioned in the corresponding study scheme.
  3. There shall be a choice of 25% that means out of 60 marks question paper, students will have to attempt for at least 45 marks combined from section A and section B.
  4. There will be no negative marking.
  5. Do not forget to click on the End Test once the examination is completed.
  6. Result shall be compiled by taking 60% performance of internal assessment for a particular subject and 40% performance of ESE of that particular subject.
  7. Mock test shall be conducted on 12.10.2020 to facilitate the students to become familiar with the interface of software, to be used for the conduct of this examination.
  8. If students desire, they may take up the examination in pen paper format to be held at a time conducive for the conduct for the same. The marks obtained in that examination shall be treated as final.


  1. Students need to do calculation work, or derivation steps, where ever applicable on plain A4 paper in his/her own handwriting. Students will use only one side of the paper, and keep the other side blank. Students should put a page number on each and every page while doing calculation work, and at the end of the page, the total count of pages will be also written below the page number like: 1 / 2, 2 / 3, 3 / 3 if 3 papers are used.
  2. Students need to write the following on each & every page along with signatures at the bottom of the page i. Roll No of Student, Name and Page Numbering at top right. ii. Signature on every page at bottom iii. Page count/total number of pages at the bottom
  3. Immediately after test is over, scanned copies of calculation work in zipped form needed to uploaded using form Calculation Work .
  4. Students shall also be responsible to post (Regd./Speed post only) all original papers used for calculation purpose after the last examination of the concerned student, failing which results shall not be declared. Speed post receipt must be immediately scanned and uploaded using form Receipt Upload.
  5. Envelope (Containing all original sheets) must be of A4 size of any color along-with cloth lining and candidate must write on top’‘Calculation sheet for May-2020 End Semester Examinatio’’, Sender details (like Name of the Candidate, Roll No, Branch, semester(s), Postal address of candidate & mobile number) and addressed to:
   Controller of Examination 
   Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College,